PDF⋙ Remote Exposure: A Guide to Hiking and Climbing Photography (English and English Edition) by Alexandre Buisse

Remote Exposure: A Guide to Hiking and Climbing Photography (English and English Edition) by Alexandre Buisse

Remote Exposure: A Guide to Hiking and Climbing Photography (English and English Edition)

Remote Exposure: A Guide to Hiking and Climbing Photography (English and English Edition) by Alexandre Buisse PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Though many hikers and climbers carry cameras with them, they often come away feeling disappointed because their images fail to visually translate their experiences. In Remote Exposure Alexandre Buisse goes beyond the mere basics of photography and gives you the tools needed to create images that are not only of good technical quality but that are compelling as well.

This book will guide you through the various options for equipment, since the requirement for lightweight gear that is able to withstand cold, adverse weather conditions presents unique challenges. Learn about the importance of having an efficient carrying system and a logical, planned workflow.

Throughout the book you will find advice on where to point your camera and how to compose a strong image. Included are specific requirements for rock climbing, hiking, mountaineering, and camping. More advanced photographic topics are also covered such as digital capture and optimization techniques like high dynamic range imaging (HDRI), panoramic stitching, and how to achieve excellent results without a tripod.

The pages are filled with over 100 stunning images captured by Buisse as he hiked and climbed through mountain ranges on three continents. Photographers of all levels and those who just appreciate beautiful images are sure to be inspired by this book.
Foreword by Cory Richards (member of the historic climbing expedition that reached the summit of Gasherbrum II in winter).

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